Thursday, April 17, 2008

Phrases That Make You Do The Opposite

In the blog titled 'Least Honest Four words' I talked about phrases that are inherently dishonest. Well how about phrases that make you do the opposite?. Below I’ve listed three of my favourites - along with that real world response. Do you have better ones?

Phrase: “You need to adjust your attitude”

Response: Yeah I’ll adjust my ***ing attitude you <inset expletive>!

Phrase: “Don’t look now but...”
Response: Where? Where? Where?

Phrase: “It’s a secret so keep it to yourself.”
Response: Oh boy! I gotta tell someone.

<Enter stunningly witty and clever tagline here>


1 comment:

  1. My Favorite is, "careful of that - it's hot" always ends up with someone touching the thing in question.
