Saturday, August 30, 2008

Welcome back Tiki Tomb

Are warm welcome back to blog land to my friend Tiki Tomb. Head over and check out his musings!

Oh and Tomb? Listening to the White Sox at 1am? At least your body will still accept beer. Try getting to the pub at 7.30am on three consecutive Sundays for the first three Chelsea games (a green plague upon you Setanta!).

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Monday, August 25, 2008

Big Bully Truck maybe not so Tough

The Hummer press releases tell us how tough and manly the ridiculous SUV is but maybe it's not that tough... A catalog with this advert fell through my door a few days ago.

Does little Hummer need his own tenty then, ahhh didums. My Santa Fe sits outside year round and still predicts the end of the world.

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Bigfoot? Big Con

Hot on the tail (tale) of the dog cloning, kidnapping, mormon loving Joyce/Brennan McKinney comes this story. I watched it unfurl with all the excitement a regular 'Monster Quest' watcher (albeit with normal hair) could. I suspect that there is more to come out of this but it is a great story and very very funny.

Here is the BBC’s take on it.

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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Too Good not to be True

Occasionally during our lifetime, a story will surface which is so outrageous that if a writer had made it up then it would have been universally panned as too implausible. One such story from my teens was of a petite American model that followed a rather burly Mormon chap to Surrey, England, Kidnapped him, tied him up and forced him to have sex with her. When you are a teenage boy you tend to remember stories about models kidnapping men and forcing them to have sex with them!

Well imagine my surprise when not 30 years later, I was driving home listening to NPR and they mentioned her name. A quick check online found this version of the story with its recent additions.

Every paragraph of this tale has a hysterical line but my favorites are the quote from the lawyer’s wife and the quote from detective. Enjoy!!!!

Read Times Online Here

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Monday, August 4, 2008

I'm on Holiday

Kicking it back with my sons for a couple of weeks. But I'll be back and ranting second week of August.