Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Even Dogs love Christmas


Back from England with a bag full of oddities. But before I discuss the English Christmas lights, the fetishes of foxes or Parrots Here's that great picture from Nick of Vinny the Dog with Santa.

Have a great New Year!

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas has been Spotted

So did I find Christmas? Well kinda. As you can see from the picture, on Sunday we met Frosty. A few days earlier, on Friday, my friend Joan sent me a long and beautiful email to remind some of the things I could be doing. The same day Nick sent me a picture of his dog and Santa (I need to ask his permission before I post it). It was sad to see that some of you clearly struggle with Christmas. And also a bit relieving that more than a few of you felt like I did.

But I do know where my Christmas is. And I do know (and probably always did) when my Christmas will start. Christmas is in South-West London. One half still croaky from his first real concert visit and the other half is praying we will land in time to watch him play football. When we walk out of customs in terminal three and they are there, well that’s when it will really start. We might even have time to dash upstairs and see TikiTomb as he departs with his family, for Chicago.

But the tension is getting unbearable as the time to leave gets nearer. There is heavy, heavy snow forecasted for the day we go. Getting to the airport may take longer than the flight. But Christmas will come somehow, even if it’s delayed at JFK for a while. Happy Christmas everyone – I hope you find yours!

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PS I am also looking forward to meeting many friends in the Black Lion on Tuesday.

Friday, December 12, 2008

WTF happened to Christmas

I’m from England - we don’t do Grinchs - so I’m left asking what has happened to Christmas this year? Here we are, mid-December, and not a murmur of feeling for it. The shops I’ve been in play Christmas music but there seems no bonhomie to go along with the tunes. I can’t even work out if this void is personal or all pervasive.

Were we put off kilter by the late Thanksgiving and the drive back from Chicago? I have not bought a single present or written one card yet and in a few days it will be too late. In our house is no tree (because we will be away) but we have put up a handful of decorations. Our neighbours seem to be decoratively muted too. So maybe it is pervasive? We have only received one Christmas card so far after all. The people we normally buy gifts for have asked us not to this year and even my boys just want gift vouchers. My wife’s family have also abandoned the grab bag draw, for so long a kick-off-Christmas tradition at the Thanksgiving gathering.

Here in my sweltering office (It’ll be freezing by two O’clock this afternoon) I just tried playing some Christmas songs and still no hint of a feeling.

So I don’t know if it’s me, us, America or the world. Soon we head to the UK and it had better be going on there. I beseech my British friends rise to the challenge; buy your trees, fill the bars with our English drunk:
I see you stand like greyhounds in your slip(per)s,
Cry 'God for Harry, England, and Saint George!' It’s Christmas!!!!!

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Is Christmas happening for you? Please comment

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Look for Some New Features

This week and next week I am making some changes to the blog. I'm adding some new sidebar items, some new comment features and making a few subtle design alterations.

Hope it makes the blog easier to read and to leave comments/feedback. Let me know if it works for you.

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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Spud Scores a TKO

Any parent hopes their children turn out to be smarter than them. In my case it didn’t take long to happen. Spud was around 4 or 5 and had just started taking interest in sport on TV especially WWE/WWF. I detest the wrestling sports entertainment and always have so I was reluctant to let him watch it.

On the day in question we were watching TV together while the rain slapped against the windows, when a commercial for an upcoming WWE event came on.

“Dad can we watch that?” Spud asked.
“No. I hate that stuff.” I said
“Why?” the boy asked.
“It’s just pretending. They’re play acting. They’re not even fighting properly.” I told him.

He scowled but said nothing. I made lunch and we sat with the TV on, half watching half discussing what we should do next. Suddenly the TV announced that up next would be exclusive coverage of the previous night’s Mike Tyson fight, And along with the announcement were some clips of the fight. I moved to turn the TV over when Spud looked up and asked,
“Are they really fighting?
“Yes.” I said
“Great then we can watch THAT instead of WWE!”

All I could hear was the sound of the rain on the window echoing through my head where a response should have been.

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