Thursday, November 6, 2008

Brotherly love and Sisterly affection - Philadelphia

Last weekend my wife and I went to Philadelphia – here is my stream of consciousness.

Friday Afternoon/evening

It’s great when a city has only one team and they win something – no Yankees/Mets or Sox/Cubs split. The whole town gets happy!
Those steps that Rocky ran up? Piece of cake!
Why are these bars so crowded? (see first note :) ). Yuengling, Great beer!
There’s a lot of homeless people - very like San Francisco
Shut up outside my hotel! I know the Phillies won but it’s four in the morning and I want to sleep now.

I’m tired. Weather is beautiful.
Is that street theatre outside Starbucks or are those two fat women gonna have a fight at 10am in the morning.
Does this pub show the Chelsea game? 5-0 :):):) Yuengling.
Tourist time – a walking tour!
Oh god, the guide is in a kilt.
Liberty Bell, where the constitution was written, Ben Franklin’s house, church and grave. Bestsy Ross’s house (why the cat statues?). What do you mean you dressed as a Red Coat and demanded all the tea in the local Starbucks?
That ankle is hurting. Yuengling.
Get to Coldplay! Listen to Coldplay. Get really really close to Coldplay. Yuengling.
Have trouble getting cab – go to pub and it’s full of Texans watching College ball!! Yuengling.
Tonight we sleep Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Coffee, pack, head out.
Bye philly. Well done Phillies! Oh god! We have to drive through New Jersey and New York
No more Yuengling :(

<Enter stunningly witty and clever tagline here>


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