1. Make sure you really mean it
2. Make the resolution a measurable goal
3. Have a deadline
4. Set a plan to reach the goal by the deadline
5. Tell people and ask them to help
1, Ask yourself how serious you are. Are you prepared to change your behaviour either eating differently, going somewhere regularly or is it just something you feel you ought to do. If you are not serious about changing your habits then you probably don’t mean it. Don’t set yourself up for failure; just tell people you didn’t make a resolution this year.
2. If you did mean it then let’s go. Make your resolution a measurable and achievable goal. For instance if you resolved to eat better you might say the first step is only eat red meat in one meal a week and an oil fish meal once a week. Or if your resolution is to lose weight instead of saying to yourself “I must lose weight”, say “I must lose X pounds”. Remember the goal must be achievable. Ask yourself how confident you are that you can hit the target – if in doubt lower it a little. If you cannot measure your success and don’t see an end goal it is difficult to know how well you are doing.
3. Covey (I think) says that a goal without a deadline is a dream. He is right. So if you want to lose X pounds make it X pounds by the end of August. Or if you want to learn a language set yourself a deadline of a significant event in that language (Cinco de Mayo for instance) to learn 30 words or ten phrases.
4. You have a goal. You have a deadline. Now you need to draw up the plan. A plan should have steps that take you steadily towards the goal. Want to learn Spanish? Then decide how. Maybe January’s plan is buy some software and get past the introduction (Learning languages by rote can be very dry. So you could find a friend who speaks that language and plan a lunch each week were you practice with them). Losing weight? Then plan a set amount to lose by end of January and another amount to lose in February. Also plan your diet method and exercise regime as necessary. Stick to your plan UNLESS it doesn’t work for you. Then revise it ‘til you it does. Plans are great and must be followed but you need to be able to improve them as you go.
Finally number 5. This is a matter of taste. As long as you have done steps 1 – 4 then why not tell people. Nothing like having someone remind when the dessert trolley comes by that cheesecake is a no-no. If however you haven’t gotten to point 4 and are still kicking around item 1 then you might want to keep the resolution to yourself.
I hope this helps you achieve your dreams in 2009 – you will if really want to!
<Enter stunningly witty and clever tagline here>
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