Saturday, May 30, 2009

News Roundup Last Week of May 09

I have decided that you, my loyal reader, deserves a break. So to help make your day easier I have distilled the key news headlines from the past week. The news has actually been pretty consistent across US and UK news sources. I have scoured the web, all my tweets, Facebook, my Press Association feed and talked to a couple of drunk blokes in the pub to bring you the most important stories.

Here are the key headlines in order of importance:

  • Shock!!! Rather unattractive Scottish woman can sing.
  • Bigger Shock!!! Rather unattractive Scottish woman who can sing, can also swear when under pressure.
  • Oh BTW. Unstable despot develops & tests nuclear weapons and threatens last remaining bit of world stability. Also some of our soldiers died in some foreign country and thousands of people lost their jobs.
  • Oh My God You’ll Never Believe This!!! Rather unattractive Scottish woman who can sing and swear doesn’t win pointless TV show. The world will never be the same!

I wonder if Obama, Gordon Brown and the rest of the G20 will step in and order the TV show producers to make Scottish woman (who can sing etc.) winner …?

<Enter stunningly witty and clever tagline here>


P.S. don’t get me wrong she does have a great voice and I wish all our talents were judged on their own standing not on whether we are pretty or handsome as well. I just can’t believe all the media feeding frenzy.

1 comment:

  1. Don't Care! Never seen American Idol and I have no intention of ever seeing it. Never seen ANY of these stupid reality TV shows.
    If you'd concentrate on Tennis instead of that crap, you might be able to beat your wife (that's win in Tennis, not physically beat her, for you sarcastic types).
