Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Rocket Man

I vividly remember writing this blog. It was on a flight to Denver in February 2008. Yeah, the trip that resulted in the Tibia Trivia fun. In all the excitement I forgot about the blog for ages. Then my editor (or wife, as she is sometimes known) said I was too libelous with some parts. So eventually I cleaned it up a bit and present it to you here.

A few nights ago I was at a karaoke evening and Elton John's Rocket Man was a chosen sing-along. Something has always troubled me about the song and so I paid extra attention as the words scrolled across the screen! Aha! I know what troubled me. It’s a load of crap!

There are two things that most get to me about this song. Working week and raising your kids on Mars.

First the bit about being a rocket man five days a week. You can hardly go home for the weekend Mr. Dwight! You cannot turn the ship around every Wednesday lunchtime because you don’t wanna miss Stars in their Eyes. No, like a sailor (hence why it’s called a ship oh ex-director of Watford FC) you are there for the voyage. That’s bad but the stuff that really bothers me is the stuff about Mars.

According to Reggie, “Mars ain’t the kind of place to raise your kids.” Yer think?
“It’s cold as hell.” Excuse my transplanted follicles friend but isn’t hell hot? The nuns at Sunday school said it was. Maybe Dante had a little freezer section for people who die after moving to Boca Raton (probably quite full if my visits to the town are anything to go by) but I believe the general view is ‘hell is hot’.

But here’s the real weird bit. In the next line our height challenged pianist says.
“And there’s no-one there to raise them if you did.” What the heck! Shouldn’t we raise our own kids and where is his spouse? What kind of judge would give custody of kids to a tantrum prone homosexual man living on another planet?

Kinda made me start wondering about his other songs - could he really see Daniel waving goodbye?

<Enter stunningly witty and clever tagline here>


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