I now realise that I have been chosen by a higher power to bring to you, my loyal readers, some important messages. My destiny is now clear and I will save you all (as long as you send me all your money. And you'd better be quick about it we don’t have long). The only other chosen ones are already in a
cave in Russia awaiting the day (I’ll need to set up a virtual cave for us, obviously).
When I first ran into the
calendar issue with my Santa Fe I thought little of it but I did write to my local Hyundai dealer in Milford, CT. Last night the service manger finally replied,
"I have had no other coplaints[sic] of this."
So I called Hyundai USA and spoke with Tyler. Tyler opened a problem report but also confirmed that there have been no other reports of
this issue.
Therefore, I am left with only one conclusion. I have been singled out by some deity to have a message revealed to me. A bit like Moses or Noah – I hope I don’t have to build a boat though; I’m crap at building things… Lego! I can build stuff out of Lego. So if this god wants me to build an Ark as long as it’s out of Lego we’ll be good. Anyway I digress, as I was saying some greater power has seen that I am to receive this great message. Given the calendar in the car has only two numeric digits the we must assume that when the calendar reaches Feb 99 then something significant will happen – probably the end of the world. These things are always a sign of the end of the world – but it may just be a new iPod or something (Apple’s marketing seems to get everywhere).
Finally, for proof, I Googled Nostradamus (you know the French seer whose predictions are only any use when whatever it is has already happened) and I found this cryptic verse that may be trying to tell me something
Nostradamus said:
In the land that Columb found
In an eastern chariot will come a man profound
Who shall receive the special sign
In month two; day ninety nine
And that chosen one he will be saved
Upon that awful bloody day
The evil rodents shall show their hand
And Speed and Spark will ruin the land
Strange bloke that Nostradamus.
Anyway send me all you money as quick as you can and I’ll see you in the virtual cave.
<Enter stunningly witty and clever tagline here>